Thursday, July 23, 2009


Theme Description
Your Achiever theme helps explain your drive. Achiever describes a constant need for achievement. You feel as if every day starts at zero. By the end of the day you must achieve something tangible in order to feel good about yourself. And by “every day” you mean every single day—workdays, weekends, vacations. No matter how much you may feel you deserve a day of rest, if the day passes without some form of achievement, no matter how small, you will feel dissatisfied. You have an internal fire burning inside you. It pushes you to do more, to achieve more. After each accomplishment is reached, the fire dwindles for a moment, but very soon it rekindles itself, forcing you toward the next accomplishment. Your relentless need for achievement might not be logical. It might not even be focused. But it will always be with you. As an Achiever you must learn to live with this whisper of discontent. It does have its benefits. It brings you the energy you need to work long hours without burning out. It is the jolt you can always count on to get you started on new tasks, new challenges. It is the power supply that causes you to set the pace and define the levels of productivity for your work group. It is the theme that keeps you moving.
Action Items
You work very hard to complete each task on your “to do” list, and you always have a long list. In fact, at the end of the day some achievers add to their list all of the unexpected tasks they’ve accomplished, just so they have the satisfaction of crossing them off the list.

You are busy and productive, and you derive satisfaction from your accomplishments.

You can draw on a deep reservoir of internal motivation, stamina, and determination to achieve your goals.

Other people may criticize you, because to them you seem too driven to achieve. They may call you a “workaholic” but the truth is that you like your work, and you like to work hard.

You do not require much external motivation. Take advantage of your self-motivation by setting challenging goals. Set a higher goal every time you finish an assignment. Each goal met leads to the next goal set.

Select challenging courses in which you have the leeway to work as hard as you want and in which you are encouraged to measure your own progress. You will feel challenged and alive in these environments.

Own the fact that you might work longer hours than most people and that you might not need as much sleep as many other people do. Find the hours of the day when you are most productive and use that time for your most challenging work. Choose to study with other hard workers. Being in that kind of environment will energize you and bring out your best.

You can become frustrated when others don’t work as hard as you do. Your expectations for yourself and others are so high that you might be perceived as demanding. Consider taking on a complementary partner who has powerful Learner or Individualization talents that can help you gain insight into the unique motivations and capabilities of others.

Even though you are full of energy, make sure you don't take on too many things at once. Pacing yourself can lead to even greater productivity and help you avoid burning out.

Set at least one clearly defined and measurable goal for each of your courses at the beginning of the term. Document your progress toward every objective in an academic-achievement journal.

Identify the most important fact, philosophy, concept, or law you learn in each class each week. Notice recurring patterns. Pinpoint discoveries.

Set one or two “stretch” targets, such as earning a specific grade-point average, winning honors status, or being named to the dean’s list.

Ask to review papers, projects, research studies, or tests of several students who consistently earn higher grades in a class than you do. Try to equal or surpass one or two things they do.

Seek opportunities to apply several of the ideas and concepts you have learned. Address groups and conduct demonstrations so others can benefit from what you know.

Ask each of your professors to clarify their expectations for your performance. Emphasize that you intend to exceed the minimum course requirements.

Review your goals-achievement log. Look for evidence that you are progressing toward your objectives. Outline the steps you took to acquire one particular skill or master one key concept.

Pay close attention to your body clock. Decide when your mind is most alert. Use this insight to your advantage when scheduling time to study.

Decide whether your productivity, efficiency, and ability to retain essential information increases when you study with a tutor, a classmate, a group, or alone.

Observe classmates to discover who shares your commitment to hard work. Form a study group composed of individuals who invest time, effort, and energy in scholarly pursuits.

Reach consensus as a study group about attendance, starting and ending times of meetings, strategies to eliminate distractions, and the sharing of class notes.

List everything you must do to prepare for a test, complete a project, conduct research, or finish an assignment. Prioritize activities. Set a deadline for each one. Then methodically carry out your plan.

Intentionally nurture friendships with people who are as driven as you are.

Talk to students taking advanced-level courses in your major field. Ask them to describe the choices they made in the past that contribute to their success today.

Realize that your natural inclination to study for as long as it takes inspires other achievers. Learn the names of these individuals. Add them to your study buddy network.

Seek opportunities to work with professors on research projects, laboratory experiments, and writing for publications.

Choose challenging, effective classes taught by instructors who have reputations for helping students reach their educational goals.

Sequence the order in which you take classes. Each term, enroll in one course that is more demanding than any you have ever taken. Repeat this process each semester.

Recruit diligent, serious, and earnest students to register for the same demanding classes you are taking. Realize that you will challenge one another to excel.

Sign up for classes that cover unfamiliar topics. Understand that you are motivated by challenges.

Join clubs that have members who share your strong work ethic.

Advance toward your academic and career goals by enrolling in rigorous classes, volunteering on campus, performing community service, working part time, and participating in intramural or extramural sports.

Elect to join organizations where your accomplishments will be recognized. Choose groups with goals that align with your own. Insist on establishing deadlines for reaching each objective.

As a talented achiever, you probably are attracted to goals. Take the time to establish clear and relevant objectives that will guide your intense efforts.

Make a list of the steps to take in choosing a career, beginning with a visit to the career center on your campus. The list — and being able to cross items off it as you follow through on them — will give you a sense of direction as well as a deep sense of accomplishment.

Roles that challenge you and reward your hard work will allow your Achiever talents to flourish.

Work environments that provide incentives for quality or productivity are likely to bring out your best efforts.

Find a place where your productivity, stamina, intensity, and drive for completion will make you a valued team member.

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